For one week, OK Mobility's light has shone from Times Square's Nasdaq Tower, one of the world's most iconic squares and a must-see for anyone visiting New York. The global mobility company takes its brand to the top with an impressive Billboard, boosting its presence throughout the world and promoting their European destinations on the American market. As a topinternational tourist resort, Majorca was given a special mention.
OK MobilityCEO Othman Ktiri said: “We are thrilled that our colors have shone brightly from the iconic New York Times Square tower. This shows that our global positioning is already a reality, and this allows us to show off Europe's many beautiful destinations. Our intention has always been to help Americans discover the authentic Mediterranean experience.” When asked about promoting Majorca, Ktiri added that “we are delighted to do whatever we can to promote our beloved island overseas. As a Majorca-based company, we are proud to contribute towards our economy and tourism”.
OK Mobility's Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Pedro Pablo Sastre, said that “seeing our name shine bright from one of theworld's most emblematic and busy advertising spaces is a great qualitative step for our brand. One of our great global actions, coinciding with the great uptake of direct Palma-New York flights, connecting Majorca with the world's busiest hub of activity on an economic and cultural level".
After a significant national and international expansion process in Europe's main cities, the global mobility company started operating in the United States in 2022, opening an OK Store in Miami (Florida). The company is now attempting to make an even greater impact on Americans, positioning its global mobility services in this key international market.